Monday, February 15, 2010

Designer Bio

Fred Eerdekins is a sculptor from Belgium whose artwork manipulates light and shadow. He is quoted to search for beauty in his art and pushes the idea of hidden messages in his work to show us that something mysterious make sense once light is shone on it.

Eerdekins uses typography strictly for simplicity and beauty and does not rely on hierarchy in his messages, nor is he really concerned about the message itself. Most information about him is in Dutch, so i am unable to find more information about him.

Shigeo Fukuda is a graphic designer/sculptor who also uses light and shadow to show a message. Fukuda was born on February 4, 1932, in Tokyo, Japan. His parents were toy manufacturers, so he grew up knowing how to think creatively. He is most famous for his posters, which mostly are influenced by Swiss minimalist design. His sculptures usually portray deception, for example, this image is obviously garbage, but when light is shone from a certain angle, a different message is shown.

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